Internet Marketing

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

10 Top Internet Marketing Tips

The keys to succeeding with marketing in the online world are very similar to those used in the offline world ( the land of bricks and mortar ). What you need to bear in mind is that valid assumptions made one minute online, can quickly change as the internet is changing so quickly. You need to keep your wits about you and move with the times, or get left behind !

Here are 10 tips to get you started:

1) Find a niche. If you don't care about money, then choose what you know. Otherwise do some research and find out if your niche is worthwhile in a profitable sense.

2) Learn from people who have already succeeded. Success can be modelled. If you do what they do, and learn from them ( I dont mean plagiarism ), then it's inevitable you will become a success too.

3) Keep an open mind and educate yourself. It's worth buying a product if you can learn just ONE new thing from it. Don't ever think you already know it and have it covered. There will be somebody else out there doing it smarter and faster than you.

4) Find out what people want in your niche then give it to them.

5) Test. Test. Test. Once you have traffic, test the conversion rate of the visitors. Conduct split tests. Measure. Compare. Adjust. Repeat.

6) If you have a local service you can STILL use the internet to market your services. Ignore those that say you can only serve if your area is applicable to the
global marketplace.

7) Have a plan. Do something towards your goal every day. Break it down and don't lose sight of what you are trying to achieve.

8) Don't get discouraged if you don't see instant results. Success comes to those who persist. If something isn't working make sure you have given it CHANCE to work first. If it still isn't working, have a good look at what you are doing and then get back off the floor and go at it again. It will be worth it in the long run. Don't quit.

9) Invest some time to learn the internet culture. Join a few good forums on internet marketing.

10) Subscribe to our newsletter ( sorry I had to plug it ) and we'll help you succeed. Okay, okay, here's another bona fide top 10 tip: Be passionate about your business and your clients - they are your lifeblood.

Article by Daniel Peterson of ( The resource for succeeding in internet marketing)


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